What Types of Dark Circles Exist?

Dark circles under the eyes are a common concern, often causing discomfort and self-awareness. Moreover, they come in various forms, each form requires a unique approach for treatment. There are pigment dark circles, which appear brown or black, vascular dark circles. Also, they usually show up as blue, pink, or purple, and sunken dark circles. And affects more on the skin's structure rather than skin tone.

How Do I Know What Kind of Dark Circle I Have?

Which dark circle is yours? Identifying the type of dark circle you have is crucial for effective treatment. While Vitamin K is beneficial for blood clots and may reduce appearance of dark circles caused by broken blood vessels. Foods rich in Vitamin K like leafy greens, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are also nutritional choices for this issue. Additionally, knowing the color and behavior of your dark circles under various conditions can offer clues. For instance, if the darkness moves with the skin when stretched, it's could be a pigmentation issue.

Can Low B12 Cause Dark Circles Under Eyes?

Vitamin shortage and dark circles Vitamin shortage, particularly in B12, E, K, and D. They can further cause the formation of dark circles. You can observe the color change when the skin under the eyes stretches which can help identify the type. For example, brown dark circles tend to move with the skin, whereas blue ones do not change.

What are the Classification of Dark Circles?

Dark circles generally classifies into four categories:

  • Pigment type (brown color)
  • Vascular type (blue/ pink/ purple color),
  • Structure type (related to skin's thinness or structure)
  • Mixed type.

A medical professional can assess and classify your dark circles, guiding appropriate treatment methods.

What are Different Causes of Dark Circles?

Causes and risk factors of dark circles various factors contribute to dark circles which consists

  • Lack of sleep, allergy
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Reduced fatty tissue around the eyes
  • Thinning skin under the eyes
  • Iron shortage - anemia
  • Overexposure to sunlight
  • Frequent rubbing of the eyes.

How Do You Know if Your Dark Circles are Pigmentation?

Identifying pigmented dark circles. The pinch test is a simple method to determine if your dark circles are due to pigmentation. Gently pinch and lift the skin under your eyes - if the dark color remains, it suggests a pigmentation issue.


Understanding the type of dark circles you have is the first step towards effective treatment. Whether it's due to pigmentation, vascular issues, or structural aspects of the skin. Furthermore, there are various ways to approach and lessen this condition. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine your specific type and explore fitting treatments. Also remember, heeding a healthy lifestyle, including ample sleep and a balanced diet. Where they can also help reduce the appearance of dark circles.